Monday, November 5, 2012


On Saturday, November 3, YWiC participated in the 2012 New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering annual meeting at the New Mexico Space History Museum in Alamogordo, NM.

What is the NMNWSE?

NMNWSE is an organization that encourages and helps women enter and succeed in non-traditional careers. The annual meeting provides an opportunity to present technical research/papers in a supportive environment. The NMNWSE also serves as a seed-funding organization for the Expanding Your Horizons conferences throughout the state. To learn more about the EYH opportunities, visit

YWiC's Role
YWiC's four research assistants attended the annual meeting and presented four posters.

The Action Items that have resulted from the meeting include: 1) Becca, YWiC Coordinator, has been designated as the Fundraising Chair for the Network; 2) YWiC is going to assist the Network in researching more diverse, regional advertising options to increase the exposure of the EYH conferences, and 3) YWiC staff has offered to serve as online mentors for international girls looking to learn more about computer science.

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